In-Ring Segment: John Cena

Cena welcomes the crowd to the show. Cena thanks the WWE Universe for giving him 20 years’ worth of moments. It never gets old, and he will go out of his way to thank everyone for everything they have given him. His home with his WWE family, and it feels good. He isn’t here just for tonight, he will be here for the next few months. The crowd goes nuts. He’ll be wrestling in India for the first time, and he’s so thankful. He just found out he’ll be hosting Payback tomorrow night! For all the WWE Universe has done for him, he will do his best to give back to us. It starts tonight.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/25/23)

Jimmy Uso interrupts with new entrance music. Jimmy stomps to the ring. Cena looks confused. The crowd showers Jimmy with a “We want Jey” chant. Jimmy asks Cena what he’s doing here. The crowd boos. Jimmy says these people came to see him, a top star. Everyone wants to know why he did what he did. He would save his brother ten times over. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks.

Jimmy did it because he loves his brother. He didn’t want his brother to be corrupted like Roman Reigns OR John Cena. Jimmy tells Cena he is just like Reigns. Cena takes and takes. The only difference is Cena does it with a smile. Cena tells Jimmy the wrong Uso quit. Jimmy tries to sneak a Superkick. Cena blocks it and hits an AA. Cena celebrates with the crowd while Jimmy licks his wounds outside the ring.

Backstage, Austin Theory and Grayson Waller call themselves the greatest tag team ever. They are gonna beat Rey Mysterio and his one-legged partner, Santos Escobar.

United States Champion Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar w/The LWO vs. Austin Theory and Grayson Waller

Santos works over Waller. Mysterio tags in and sends Waller out of the ring. Theory tries to attack Mysterio from behind. Mysterio sends Theory out of the ring. Escobar launches Mysterio over the top rope onto Theory and Waller. After the break, Waller and Theory take turns working over Mysterio. Mysterio manages to tag in Escobar, who clears the ring. Mysterio and Escobar set up double dives. Theory rushes the ring. Escobar pushes Mysterio out of the way. Theory chop blocks Escobar’s injured knee. In the confusion, Waller hits the Rolling Thunder Stunner on Escobar for the win.

Winners- Austin Theory and Grayson Waller

Backstage, Yim tells The OC what happened. AJ Styles says he’s going to deal with it and walks off.

In-Ring Segment: Bobby Lashley

Lashley says that everywhere he goes, people ask him what’s up with him and the Street Profits. Real recognize real, and great recognizes great. The Street Profits join Lashley in the ring. Dawkins and Ford are suited up from head to toe. Lashley puts over the Street Profits. Ford says tonight isn’t about them. It’s about them giving him gratitude for what he did for them. They have been this hot for a long time. Dawkins says they stepped over what was to what is. Ford adds that it’s not personal; it’s just profits. Ford and Dawkins thank Lashley.

Lashley says they don’t have to thank him, they can thank him with their continued success. Lashley says they are here to put everyone on notice. They are coming for all the power and all the gold. Kevin Owens’ music hits as the Street Profits and Lashley are walking up the ramp. Owens and Zayn walk out on the ramp carrying all their gold. Zayn and Owens have a standoff with Lashley and the Street Profits. Lashley and Co step aside to make way for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions.

WWE SmackDown Results Continue on the Next Page!

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn vs. The LWO (Joaquin Wilde and Cruz del Toro

Zayn and Owens work over Wilde. Owens lands a swanton. Wilde manages to stage in Del Toro, who lands a flurry of strikes, followed by a backflip kick to Zayn. Owens doges a springboarding Del Toro. Pop Up Powerbomb by Owens. Zayn lands a Helluva Kick. Stunner by Owens. Owens pins Del Toro.

Winners- Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

After the match, Zayn grabs a mic and says tomorrow night isn’t going to be fun or pretty. It’s going to be the fight of The Judgement Day’s life.

In-Ring Segment: The Miz

Miz says anyone can be LA Knight because he’s a flash in the pan. LA Knight interrupts. Knight says Miz did another one of his dress up cosplays. Let’s look at the people Miz has done this to The Rock, John Cena, and LA Knight. What do all of those people have in common? They are all people The Miz wishes he could be. Knight tells Miz that he could never be him. Miz rants about being a star. Knight says Miz isn’t even the star of his own reality show, Maryse is. Miz carries her bag with his tiny balls in it. Knight tells Miz he has a message for Maryse. When Knight sends Miz back home, a broken and beaten man, she can give him a call.

Miz says these people are with Knight because they are just like him. Knight has the chance to do something these people never will. He could achieve his dreams, but he is unfortunate enough to have to face The Miz. Miz promises to send Knight back to 2003 when he lived in a roach-infested apartment. Knight says Miz is stuck in the past because his present is trash, and his future will get worse. Miz takes a swing at Knight. Knight avoids it. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale. Miz says that’s Knight’s future and walks away.

Bayley w/Damage CTRL vs. Shotzi

Bayley tentatively avoids Shotzi, who is crawling around the ring. Shotzi has Bayley off her game. Bayley slaps Shotzi. Shotzi takes Bayley down and lands a series of strikes. Shotzi traps Bayley in a rope-hanging figure-four choke. Bayley screams in pain. Shotzi has to break the hold at five. Bayley kicks Shotzi in the knee. Bayley works over Shotzi. Enziguri by Shotzi. Bayley rolls out of the ring. Shotzi tosses Bayley all over the ringside area. Shotzi flattens Bayley with a senton off the apron. After the break, Bayley tries an elbow off the top. Shotzi gets her knees up. Bayley rolls out of the ring.

Shotzi crushes Bayley with a diving crossbody through the rope. Shotzi tries Sliced Bread #2, but Bayley counters, setting her on the top rope. Bayley traps Shotzi in the tree of woe. Leaping elbow by Bayley. Bayley tries the Bayley to Belly. Shotzi reverses it into a suplex into the corner. Shotzi goes up top. After a distraction from Iyo Sky, Bayley is able to knock Shotzi off the top rope. Bayley asks Sky to hand her Sky’s WWE Women’s Championship. Sky hesitates. Charlotte Flair’s music hits. Flair takes out Sky and decks Bayley with a right hand while the referee is distracted with Dakota Kai. Shotzi lands a leg-trapped DDT for the win.


Solo Sikoa vs. AJ Styles

Styles lights Sikoa up with chops. Sikoa runs over Styles with a shoulder block. Headbutt by Sikoa. Sikoa tries a splash, but Styles gets his knees up. Styles tries to lift Sikoa for a slam but can’t get Sikoa off the mat. Sikoa slams Styles. Dropkick by Sikoa. Sikoa falls into the corner. Corner clothesline by Styles. Paul Heyman walks down to the ring. While Styles is distracted, Sikoa attacks him from behind. Styles dumps Sikoa over the top. Styles lands a sliding knee off the apron. Diving forearm by Styles. After the break, Styles dives off the top into an uppercut by Sikoa. Sikoa launches Styles into the ring post. Styles falls out of the ring.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (8/25/23)

Sikoa slams Styles’ head into the commentary desk. Belly-to-belly suplex by Sikoa. Styles kicks out. Heyman laughs from ringside. Sikoa works over Styles. Sikoa calls for the Samoan Spike. Styles blocks it and lands the Pelé kick. Styles fires up and lands a flurry of offense. Sikoa sends Styles into the ropes and lands a pop-up Samoan drop. Styles kicks out. Styles surprises Sikoa with an Asai moonsault. Sikoa kicks out. Styles sets up the Styles Clash. Sikoa counters by sending Styles out to the apron. Styles calls for the Phenomenal Forearm. Jimmy Uso rolls from under the ring and trips Styles. Sikoa lands the Samoan Spike for the win.

Winner- Solo Sikoa

After the match, Jimmy gets in the ring and hugs Sikoa. Sikoa pushes Jimmy away and grabs him by the throat. Heyman yells for Sikoa to stop. Sikoa lets Jimmy go and walks away. Jimmy Superkicks Styles and lands the Uso Splash. Jimmy puts up the one for The Bloodline. Heyman pulls out his phone to call Roman Reigns.

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